Be Still...

Be Still…
Around the world, love, humanity resounds
Music and voices sound
Hope echoes like church bells in a dale
As we are quickly shrouded in a dark veil
We feel alone
Fears grow, guardian angels moan
A new world surrounds us
Anxiety abounds us
Once obscene
Now a reality
It is the military, apothecary
Against this enemy, extraordinary
But the greatest warrior is present in this war
One that evil does abhor
He is on our side
And soon He will turn the tide
Compassion takes center stage
The unseen evil powerless to fully rage
As voices from balconies serenade
Love and care cascade
Medical professionals, first responders stay
The faithful pray
All creating a unified brigade
Against this invisible plague
Be still my anxiety
Be still my fear
Be still my restlessness
God is near
Our prayers He will hear
To Him we are dear
Be still my hopelessness
Be still my despair
Be still disquiet
Instead sing, speak up in prayer!
Chains of petitions climb to heaven
They beckon
Calling in the night
Longing for days when the sun shone bright
For today, we are in a deadly plight
Be still my fright
Be still tonight
We will win this fight
By: Ivana Segvic-Boudreaux
March 22, 2020